Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Vampire Diaries and Secret Circle Combined episode a POSSIBILITY

The hype of the upcoming Sci-fi series The Secret Circle has been rumored that a possible Cross over between the Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle May occur and that would surely be spectacular.A combination of Hotties all on one show will explode in amazing Fans Cheering however this is what Kevin Williams claims to be a very likely possibility.The Director of the two shows allegedly stated that Both shows will be aired back to back on the CW on a thursday. He further stated that he wasnt in exact favour of the Secret Circle looking like the Vampire Diaries and he wanted a new unique fresh look which is why the Series are based in different looking Sets/locations.
He said as follows,"“Listen, if there’s a way that we could set up two sets of witches and let them merge, then maybe there’s a crossover episode in store,” he allowed. “But if you go back to Episode 17 of the second season of The Vampire Diaries, where Elijah explained how the witches placed a curse on the original family… there are no vampires or werewolves in The Secret Circle. There are other things, but not werewolves and vampires. So the minute you bring a vampire or werewolf into the witch world… then I feel like I’m watching The Vampire Diaries,We need to start at ground zero, create our own story and create our own mythology, and build from there so that we can tell just as great a story as The Vampire Diaries,


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